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Friday, June 14, 2013

Menu Planning Board, Part 1

I swear, this title alone might have people scrambling to scan over the post to see what is here. My ears have been a buzzing with talk of Menu Planning boards. In my Craft Group on Facebook, I have been asked about it, and when I posed the question it was very clear people were not just interested, but needed help. Maybe not so much help, but direction.

So what should be included in a Menu Planning Board? Menus? Dates? Do you plan one week, two weeks, or a month at a time? Does it need to be color coded? Holy crow... the list could be going on FOR-EV-ER!!

My bestie, regularly emails me links to websites, pins, and pictures of Menu Planning boards. They have ranged from simple to complex. Here are a few, I have stumbled upon:

I love this idea. READ HER WHOLE POST! This idea definitely will be going to be part of what I am planning on putting together.

This system is very versatile for sure, being able to swap the week headers. Not to mention very pleasing to look at. But, I personally think for a board this BIG there is a lot of wasted/negative space.

This might work for some peeps, not me. I don't have any space on the side of my refrigerator. Not to mention I could see my youngest 2 walking away with the spare magnets, not in planning use. But obviously you would always have it at your fingertips. I like the squareness of it all though.

If you are on Pinterest, and if you HAVE NOT seen this pin, you are either living under a rock or just not interested at all in menu planning (or maybe you have a system that already works?). This is.... INTENSE at the very least. In this picture (if I understand her blog post) there is 1000 recipes here. Yes, you read that right.... ONE THOUSAND. What is that? Three years of never having the same thing twice? This might be a dream come true for some, but for me, this is a little too much. But this one did get me closer towards what I knew I wanted.

This is cute. Her post is detailed as to how it came about. And I love how she used her own system, and integrated a new spin to make it work better for her. I love the Magnet Sheets she talks about, I am really tempted to get some just to try 'em out!

Hmmm.... what are all of these missing? Something big, in my opinion.
You will have to stay tuned to find out. :) You know this was coming, it says PART 1 in the Post Title!